Ewan McGregor magyar rajongói oldala


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Ewanról írták, mondták

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Baz Luhrmann (director Moulin Rouge)

It's much easier to find an actor today who plays like a pale photocopy of Marlon Brando - like "Gee, I'm suffering." But it is (difficult) to get a young actor to stand, look at the camera, and sing, "I love you" without a jot of cynicism - that is hard to find, and for me, that's Ewan McGregor's great achievement. About.com, date?

Andrew Macdonald, (producer Shallow Grave, Trainspotting, A Life Less Ordinary)

He is something special. He’ll soon get offers which could make, break or turn him into a big star. We’re lucky to have him. Tell him to take two steps back, one to the side and do a back flip while singing, and he’ll do it three times exactly right. He looks ordinary, but he’s magic looking on camera. Telegraph Magazine, September 27 1997

Rick McCallum (producer Star Wars)

He is a fantastic Scottish actor. He can play a variety of roles. If you saw his performance in Trainspotting, Shallow Grave and Emma you’d see he’s like a chameleon. He is really a mercurial, multi-talented, multi-faceted human being. He just seemed to us the perfect Obi-Wan. Star Wars Insider, Issue 34, Spring 1997.

Otto Plaschkes (producer Doggin’ Around)

My only reservation is that he can’t play period. He’s not very good at it. It’s something to do with the space, something to do with how you carry yourself. Ewan is relaxed in modern parts, in the Gap look of jeans and T-shirts, but not in tight-fitting breeches. Ewan McGregor: The Unauthorized Biography, 1998

Philippe Rousselot (director Serpent’s Kiss)

He's got star quality which I know is a bit of a cliché but you can't take your eyes off him on screen. He is amongst those actors that can display a wide range of emotions by hardly moving their face. It brings back memories of the great actors of the Hollywood era. He is also extremely quick at understanding what the character is, what the situation is and how to get it.

Rosemarie Whitman (producer Lipstick on Your Collar)

(On auditioning Ewan after a long search) We had been told he was wonderful and that we had to see him, but agents always say things like that. It was the eleventh hour and I was seeing this student who had not even graduated yet (-) I knew I had found the man. We sat there and thought he was just brilliant. Ewan McGregor: The Unauthorized Biography, 1998

Anna Friel (actor Rogue Trader - Lisa Leeson)

Ewan is the top leading man. Other than being gorgeous, he's a very talented actor and he's very down to earth. He's someone who's proved to me that you can be a normal person and be very successful and famous. We got on so well. TV Times, March 7 1998

David Mackenzie (director Young Adam)

Ewan was the obvious man for the job. There’s something very exciting and mercurial about him, and it was a type of role that he hadn’t played before, a more grown up role. I needed a powerful actor who was going to give a degree of sympathy to the character. Ewan was very bold about not making attempts to soften the character, but there is something within him that still draws you in. Sunday Herald, July 27 2003

Tilda Swinton (actor Young Adam)

(on the box-office propects for Young Adam) We’ve got Mr Lightsabre in there, so that’s one reason to be hopeful. Sunday Herald, July 27 2003

Therese Bradley(actor Young Adam)

(about her sex scene with Ewan) You read a lot about Ewan being a geezer, but my experience of him, particularly on the day we filmed that scene in the alley, was of an incredibly kind gentleman. He really took care of me. It was my first movie. I didn’t quite know the etiquette of what I could and couldn’t say, but he made sure the set was closed and that I was comfortable. I felt completely able to just go ahead and do it. The Sunday Times, August 3 2003

Moulin Rouge

Heaven knows why pretty-but-inadequate Nicole Kidman was Oscar-nominated but not her leading man. McGregor not only acts circles around Kidman but also sings infinitely better. As he proved in "Velvet Goldmine," he could easily be a rock star if he tires of acting. Mick LaSalle, Edward Guthman and Carla Meyer, San Francisco Chronicle, August 10 2003

Peter Mullan (actor Young Adam - Les)

Young Adam is Ewan McGregor at his most spectacularly handsome…Ridiculously handsome. He gets something, like, 28 sex scenes. And I get to play this impotent, cuckolded husband. Because, it’s my wife that he has about 10 of these sex scenes with. So, it’s a highly embarrassing part. McGregor, in the film, is astonishing. I’ve seen the film. And he would make Montgomery Cliff blush. He is, honestly, spectacularly handsome. Movie stardom suites him. Some guys, it doesn’t suite. They don’t carry it well. Ewan’s getting to be pretty damned unique. Like Connery. Movie stardom suited Connery. Like, much more in his early films, Connery was still trying to be an actor. When Connery realized who he was, it all kind of came together. And he became that phenomenally handsome, sexy kind of guy. A man’s man, and also a guy that women would like to be with. All that. Ewan’s kind of going in that direction. He’s also a very, very lovely guy. He’s a great guy to work with. He acts like a real human being. He’s not some idiotic movie star with the IQ of a daffodil. And he gets all the good sex scenes. www.MovieWeb.com, July 2003

Young Adam

McGregor reminds us that he is capable of much more than flashing that wolfish grin. Recognising the best role he's had in years, he stretches his vocal skills with precision, craft and restraint. It's a career-changing performance in what is likely to stand as one of the best British films of the year. Leslie Felperin, August 14 2003, Independent

Young Adam

The key to this conundrum is how little McGregor actually gives away. He has moments — lighting a cigarette after sex — that put you in mind of Dirk Bogarde’s furtive powers in The Servant. Others where he seems entirely naive and heroic. He manages to sleep with every repressed female in sight, yet those green eyes remain spookily empty, and innocent. His enigmatic journey through Young Adam is the most compelling screen performance he has delivered. James Christopher, The Times, August 14 2003

Keira Knightley (actor Star Wars: The Phantom Menace)

I fell off the back of a golf cart that Ewan was on. To this day, I can't look at him without being embarrassed. All I was wearing was a bathrobe, some tights, and some knickers, and I literally went flying with my legs over my head and everything on display. www.MegaStar.co.uk, August 14 2003

Emily Mortimer (actor Young Adam - Cathie)

He was the kind of guy that takes his job very seriously but not himself. www.ionfilm.com, August 13 2003

Carol McGregor (producer, Ewan's mother)

There is a part that would have been perfect for Ewan, but sadly he's away. I'd still love to work with him one day, though: it would be great to boss him about. Daily Telegraph, August 16 2003

Young Adam

The film displays a sexual candour rare in British cinema. It is unabashedly physical and, in the lead role, Ewan McGregor responds with his finest performance to date. There's always been something boyish about the actor - a cheeky exuberance that has accounted for a large part of his charm - but here he's shed that skin to become a man. There's a hardness to his features, a bleak intensity to his stare, that speaks of bitter experience and a capacity for sudden, violent action. www.edfilmfest.org.uk - website for The Edinburgh International Film Festival, 2003

James McAvoy (actor)

(on whether being Scottish is helping his career) For me, if it does help it's because someone might like a charming Scottish type that they put on you. But, yeah, Ewan McGregor and Dougray Scott, they're doing great guns for us because they're big, gorgeous, beautiful men, and they can do it, they can lead movies. The Herald, August 18 2003

Peter Mullan (actor Shallow Grave, Trainspotting, Young Adam)

It's difficult to say this without sounding wanky or arselicky, but he's as good a young actor as I know. He's a fucking darling. What I love about him is that he's still as enthusiastic to be a good actor. That's unusual because he's in a position now when he doesn't need to be a good actor; he can call his price and be a megastar. The two aren't the same thing. Empire, October 2003

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